Whipple: more than a surname, an eponym, a history





Whipple's Disease, Whipple's Technique, Eponym


Rarely does it happen that two men coincide in time, have the same surname, are friends and achieve great celebrity in medicine and an example of this are: George Hoyt Whipple and Allen Oldfather Whipple. Having as motivation the importance of knowing the history of men as great as these, the present investigation was carried out, for which a bibliographic search was made with the objective of describing the historical aspects related to George Hoyt Whipple and Allen Oldfather Whipple, allowing to reach the main conclusion that the eponym (Whipple) of the disease and the technique are not due to the same person and that, although there is no kinship between them, George Hoyt Whipple and Allen Oldfather Whipple were twinned by time and history


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How to Cite

Hernández Martínez MC. Whipple: more than a surname, an eponym, a history. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];1:16. Available from: https://mw.ageditor.ar/index.php/mw/article/view/1