Pediatric Surgery in Cuba: an untold story
Cuban Pediatric Surgery, CubaAbstract
In Cuba, pediatric surgery began in the 1960s, a young specialty in the world, and in the country a group of brilliant professors, with Dr. Enrique José Hechavarría Vaillant as the pioneer precursor, laid the foundations of the specialty. During the process of searching for information for the conformation of the present work, no documents were found that compiled aspects of the history of pediatric surgery in Cuba, which is why the present research is carried out with the main objective of arguing the importance of the history of pediatric surgery in Cuba and the figure of Dr. Enrique José Hechavarría Vaillant as a precursor of the same, reaching the conclusion that undoubtedly the history of Cuban pediatric surgery represents the work and hard work of many professionals, especially this doctor
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