Investigating the Impact of Cloud-Based Technologies on Healthcare Accessibility and Service Efficiency
Cloud Computing, Healthcare Accessibility, Service Efficiency, Adoption Factors, Data SecurityAbstract
Cloud computing has significantly transformed healthcare by providing enhanced remote access and improving service delivery efficiency. Despite its promise, there are indeed obstacles to its general acceptance, especially in developing nations where concerns about data security and underuse of ICTs prevent adoption. Research examines the factors influencing healthcare consumers' attitudes toward adopting cloud-based health systems, focusing on accessibility and service efficiency. A survey of 530 participants was conducted, and SPSS and factors were employed to examine the data. The results identify eight key factors that significantly impact healthcare consumers' behavioral intentions to adopt cloud-based healthcare technologies: perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy, information sharing, social influence, and trust in technology, effort expectancy, and data security. However, Cloud-based health information was shown with no discernible effect. These findings underscore the importance of addressing consumer concerns, particularly related to security and system integration, to ensure the effective deployment of cloud-based medical centers. Such systems have the potential to improve healthcare access, especially in underserved and rural areas, while enhancing the overall efficiency of service delivery. The research suggests that healthcare policymakers and technology developers must prioritize these factors to foster greater adoption of cloud-based technologies within healthcare systems.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Snehanshu Dey , Suhas Ballal , Avinash Kumar (Author)

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