Exploring Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions and Practices on Telemedicine Adoption in Rural Regions





Rural Region, Telemedicine, Technology infrastructure, Patient privacy, Healthcare professionals


In rural areas with limited access to medical facilities, telemedicine has become a transformative tool in healthcare delivery. However, issues including insufficient technology infrastructure, a lack of training, and patient privacy concerns are impeding the use of telemedicine in these regions. The purpose of the research is to investigate how medical professionals in these areas perceive and utilize telemedicine. A systematic survey was used to gather information from 300 medical professionals who worked in rural healthcare settings, including doctors, nurses, and technicians. The questionnaire evaluated perceived advantages, obstacles, and comfort levels as well as other aspects affecting the adoption of telemedicine. The IBM SPSS statistical version of 29 was utilized. There are three tests used in the statistical analysis: regression analysis to examine predictors of telemedicine acceptance, t-tests to compare differences in perceptions based on professional roles, and Chi-Square Test to determine whether there is an association between adoption status and rural vs. urban settings. The results showed that although medical experts acknowledged the possibility of telemedicine to increase patient outcomes and access to care, major obstacles were found, such as a lack of training, concerns about patient privacy, and inadequate technology infrastructure. Healthcare workers' comfort levels with telemedicine vary, with doctors being more likely to use it. The research suggests that interventions like regulatory support, improved infrastructure, and training initiatives are needed to overcome obstacles using telemedicine. These measures are crucial for telemedicine to become a sustainable and integrated part of rural healthcare delivery.


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How to Cite

Ratna S, Behera KL, Renuka JR. Exploring Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions and Practices on Telemedicine Adoption in Rural Regions. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:139. Available from: https://mw.ageditor.ar/index.php/mw/article/view/139