Andragogy, an undeferable need in the health sciences because of the aging population
Andragogy, demographic transition, aging process, Medical Sciences, Health SciencesAbstract
Introduction. The demographic transition is taking place all over the world, which translates into an increase in life expectancy, taking on greater importance due to its context within the planning of public spending for the execution of health policies and programs. Objective. To assess the relationship between andragogy, demographic transition and the aging process from the context of Health Sciences, as an effective way for health professionals to confront this irreversible phenomenon. Development. The
demographic transition and therefore the intergenerational change, is a widespread process in our America, although it presents different patterns according to the characteristics of each society, population aging is a universal problem. Adult education is and has been a global concern since the 1960s when the Second World Conference on Adult Education proposed by UNESCO was held. At that event, recommendations were made for theorizing about the benefits of Andragogy and its use in the teaching and learning
processes of adults. Conclusions. An internal transformation is necessary in the academic curriculum of medical universities to theorize about the benefits of Andragogy and its use in the teaching and learning processes of adults as an effective way for health professionals to confront this irreversible phenomenon that is population aging.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Machado Reyes, Maria de la Caridad Casanova Moreno, Wagner González Casanova , Daimy Casanova Moreno, Diana Belkis Gómez Guerra (Author)

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