Theoretical and methodological background that sustains the management of methodological teaching work in the medical career
Management, Methodological Teaching Work, Medicine CareerAbstract
Background: in the educational field, most of the faculties and schools of medicine, national and international associations and professional associations of the continent debate on how to better educate future physicians in order to respond to the current health problem. Objective: to substantiate the theoretical and methodological background that sustains the management of methodological teaching work in the medical career. Methods: to substantiate the theoretical and methodological antecedents that support the management of the methodological teaching work in the medical career, methods of the theoretical level were used, such as the historical-logical, systematization and documentary analysis. Results: Cuban higher education is currently consolidating its model, maintaining its foundations, guaranteeing in the process the quality assurance of its substantive processes, in order to achieve a graduate with personal qualities, culture and professional skills that allow him/her to perform with social responsibility. In view of this, the essence of methodological work is to manage the teaching-learning process, where the functions of planning, organization, direction and control predominate, while integrating the functions performed by managers, teachers and students in this process, making methodological teaching work in the medical career the primary way for the improvement of teachers. Conclusions: the definitions provided show the contribution made in the management of the teaching-methodological work in the medical career and in the quality of the training of the professionals needed by the Cuban health system.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Blas Nivaldo Porras Pérez, Nadina Travieso Ramos, Guillermo Luis Herrera Miranda , Lisi Rayna Suárez García (Author)

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