The evolution from the diagnosis of death to encephalic death
brain, brain death, cardiac arrest, respiration, organ transplantationAbstract
Introduction: Death is a process whose diagnosis has varied throughout history.
Objective: Demonstrate the various methods of diagnosing death until brain death is confirmed.
Methods: A historical documentary review was conducted on the various methods used to diagnose death.
Results: In ancient times, the cessation of breathing was the primary indicator of death. However, with the emergence of clinical death, cardiac activity became the main criterion for diagnosing death. In the late 1950s, European neurologists identified a stage at which the brain ceases to function, exhibiting irreversible damage. However, artificial means can sustain the functions of the heart and lungs. In 1959, professors Mollaret and Goulon from the Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris introduced the term “coma dépassé”' to describe a state beyond coma, where a “dead brain is associated with a living body.” This concept led to the development of brain death and the diagnosis of death through the lens of brain functions. This change facilitated the advancement of organ and tissue transplants.
Conclusions: Currently, death can be diagnosed by either the cessation of heart function or the irreversible cessation of brain function
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