Health Information System of the "Dr. Salvador Allende" Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital




Health Information System, Components of Information Systems, Computerization


Introduction: The Health Information System (HIS) is a set of integrated elements designed for the collection, processing, analysis, and transmission of information necessary to organize and operate health services, research, and planning for the control of health events. Objective: To characterize the Health Information System of the "Dr. Salvador Allende" Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital in the year 2023. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on the status of the Health Information System at the "Dr. Salvador Allende" Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital in 2023. The study considered the development status of the components of an HIS based on the methodology of the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires. Interviews were conducted with the hospital officials responsible for each system associated with these components. Results: The main difficulties identified in the institution regarding the implementation of a computerized HIS were related to components that include staff training, willingness to change, the projection of strategies for implementation, and the commitment of management and workers to the process. Increased efforts in this regard are necessary to maintain the available technology and organizational culture at an adequate level of functioning. Conclusions: The status of the hospital's HIS in 2023 was characterized, identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement of its components.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Urrutia A, Baños Utra S, Araujo Inastrilla CR, Olazabal Guerra DJ, Roche Madrigal M del C. Health Information System of the "Dr. Salvador Allende" Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:172. Available from: