Regularities in the professional development of the specialist in Family Medicine on systemic lupus erythematosus
professional development, systemic lupus erythematosus, family medicineAbstract
Introduction: The professional development of Family Medicine (FM) specialists in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is necessary to respond to current social demands. The current research aims to identify the existing regularities in the professional development of FM specialists in SLE, at the Hermanos Cruz University Polyclinic in Pinar del Río.
Methods: A methodology with a dialectical materialist approach was taken into account for the analyses carried out. Methods from the theoretical and empirical levels were applied, together with statistical-mathematical methods, to interpret and process the information.
Results: The barriers that limit the object of study were identified due to the lack of a model for information processing that improves the timely identification of SLE symptoms at the primary health level, inaccuracy in identifying clinical signs and symptoms of SLE due to weak integration of previous knowledge and professional experiences to the assessment of the patient, limited planning of actions for the continuous improvement of the professional performance of the MF specialist, focused on the theoretical-methodological preparation that allows the timely identification of SLE symptoms, insufficient understanding of the need for participation to organize knowledge in the interaction of the functions of improvement and professional performance.
Conclusions: The professional training of Family Medicine specialists in SLE at the Hermanos Cruz University Polyclinic has limitations for adequate identification of the symptoms of the disease, which hinders efficient performance in Primary Health Care.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yanet Cruz García, Didier Rodríguez Matanzas, Belkis Ferro González (Author)

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