Ethics in the professional practice of imaging specialists
Confidentiality, Informed Consent, Respect, Ethics, Medical EthicsAbstract
Introduction: During professional practice, it is absolutely necessary that ethics and Imaging complement each other as fundamental sciences.
Objective: Describe the role of ethics in Imaging for the proper development of professional practice.
Methods: In June and July of 2023, an electronic search for publications and systematic literature reviews was conducted using Google Scholar and the electronic databases PubMed, Medline, and SciELO. The following descriptors were used: "ethics and medical ethics", "Imaging", and "ethics and Imaging". A total of 56 sources were reviewed in the databases mentioned above. Out of these, 31 bibliographic references were used.
Results: Imaging specialists, like other healthcare professionals, must adhere to ethical duties that include respecting privacy, maintaining privileged communication, confidentiality, and obtaining informed consent. Professionals in the field often face ethical conflicts during their practice. Therefore, it is crucial that they are technically and scientifically prepared to handle such situations. This is especially important when dealing with medical-legal imaging and the ethical dilemmas that may arise. It is essential to pay close attention to the indication of imaging studies, particularly when they do not provide any benefit to the patient.
Conclusions: Imaging specialists who are involved in patient care must adhere to ethical standards governing the practice of the profession
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guillermo Alejandro Herrera Horta , Zurelys Gutiérrez García, Analiz de Paula Paredes (Author)

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