The Role of Fine Motor Skills in the Acquisition of Graphoplastic Skills in Childhood




fine motor skills, graphoplastic skills, child development, pedagogy, cognition


The study analyzed the relationship between motor skills and the development of graphoplastic skills in second-grade students in an educational unit in Manabí, Ecuador. The descriptive-correlational methodology used validated instruments to assess fine motor skills and initial writing skills in a sample of 20 students. The data revealed that 60% of children still do not reach advanced levels in the acquisition of writing, with the concrete and pre-syllabic levels predominating. The analysis highlights the need for pedagogical strategies aimed at strengthening fine motor skills, given their influence on the precision and coordination necessary for graphoplastic development. Although progress was observed in the formation of strokes and graphic patterns, challenges remain in aspects such as directionality control and segmentation. The results show an interdependence between motor and cognitive skills, which underscores the importance of an integrative educational approach that promotes the holistic development of students. 


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How to Cite

Delgado Zambrano CY. The Role of Fine Motor Skills in the Acquisition of Graphoplastic Skills in Childhood. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:195. Available from: