Playful strategies to develop mathematical logical thinking in preschool students




Play strategies, mathematical logical thinking, early education, play


Since mathematical logical thinking is one of the fundamental axes of people's cognitive development, experts on the subject have elaborated proposals of various kinds for its refinement, several of them based on play strategies. For this reason, the objective of this article is to analyze ludic strategies as empowering practices to initiate, develop and consolidate logical thinking skills of, students of initial education. In this sense, this research is classified as descriptive, in which a documentary design is followed, covering a review of articles and research reports published between 2018 and 2022, most of them derived from empirical research, in which playful strategies have been applied for the development of mathematical logical thinking. The results point to a positive trend towards the use of play as part of the programs in this learning area that contribute to the development of mathematical knowledge, which allows concluding that appropriately designed play strategies are able to enhance the development of mathematical logical thinking in early education students.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Reina M, Pirela AL. Playful strategies to develop mathematical logical thinking in preschool students. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:197. Available from: