Logistics digitization of international customs processes: a bibliometric analysis





digitization, logistics, customs, bibliometric


The present study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis on the logistic digitalization of international customs processes between 2013 and 2024. The analysis of the data through bibliometrics made it possible to quantify scientific production. Relevance and keywords in English (logistics digitalization, international customs processes) allowed the selection of the 37 Scopus publications used in the study. The largest significant increase in scientific production occurred between 2022 and 2023 (n=43.2; 16%), with Germany being the leading country (n=6 publications, 13.3%). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems was the most important source, with three publications. Author Belov, V.B. had the highest number of citations (06) and one article. Of these publications, 49% were scholarly articles and 36% were classified in the topics of computer science and engineering. It is concluded that the digitization of international customs regimes in logistics has more sources overall, a wider range of writers and topics covered, and more sources, providing a more complete picture of the visibility, impact and importance of scientific output on a global scale. This bibliometric analysis lays a solid foundation for further research by providing evidence-based support through a rigorous examination of the existing literature.


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How to Cite

Espinoza-Casco RJ, Horna-Rubio AJ, Ochoa-Tataje FA, Bazán-Salinas JJ, Romero-Carazas R. Logistics digitization of international customs processes: a bibliometric analysis. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:199. Available from: https://mw.ageditor.ar/index.php/mw/article/view/199