The Social Impact of Postgraduate Education in Nursing
Nursing, Graduate education, HealthAbstract
Postgraduate education plays a key role in the professional development of nursing, providing advanced knowledge, specialized skills, and a comprehensive understanding of the discipline. This level of education not only enhances clinical practice but also significantly contributes to research and the generation of new knowledge. In a globalized world, nursing demands highly trained professionals who integrate theory, practice, and research to create a positive societal impact.
Objective: To analyze the significance of postgraduate education in nursing from the perspective of its social impact, based on scientific evidence.
Methodology: An integrative review was conducted, selecting 10 scientific articles from the Scielo and Redalyc databases, based on the inclusion criteria: publications in indexed journals in Spanish, Portuguese, or English, from the period 2008-2022.
Conclusion: Postgraduate education in nursing has a significant social impact by fostering scientific production, the development of specialized skills, and critical reflection on the science of care. It is concluded that nurses with master's and doctoral degrees represent a highly qualified human resource, particularly in the areas of research and teaching.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rose Mary Portillo, María Teresa Cabanillas-Chávez, Wilter C. Morales-García, Liset Z. Sairitupa-Sanchez , Mardel Morales-García (Author)

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