Teaching models in digital environments: analysis of the PLAGCIS case





Virtual education, technology-mediated teaching, teacher training, digital platforms, collaborative learning


The teaching model mediated by virtuality in the Platform for Social Action, Management and Research (PLAGCIS) was analyzed from the perspective of teachers. The characteristics of the digital environment and its impact on educational practice were identified.
A qualitative approach with an interpretive phenomenological design was adopted. In-depth interviews were conducted with teachers with experience in PLAGCIS and non-participant observation. The data were analyzed through categorization and theoretical triangulation.
Three key dimensions were identified in the teaching experience: autonomy and pedagogical flexibility, construction of an academic community, and challenges in virtual teaching. It was found that the platform allows the adaptation of pedagogical strategies and encourages collaboration between teachers, although it presents challenges in interaction with students and in technological training.
PLAGCIS represents an innovative model of virtual teaching, with the potential to strengthen teaching practice in digital environments. However, it is necessary to improve training in technological tools and strengthen pedagogical interaction.


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How to Cite

Román Acosta D. Teaching models in digital environments: analysis of the PLAGCIS case. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:209. Available from: https://mw.ageditor.ar/index.php/mw/article/view/209