Metrics on Internal Medicine from the journal Gaceta Médica Estudiantil




Bibliometric study, Internal Medicine, Scientific communication


Introduction: Scientific research is essential for the advancement of medicine. Therefore, medical training should include the acquisition of research skills through the implementation of research courses and other mechanisms that promote the collective construction of knowledge. Bibliometrics involves statistical and quantitative analysis of publications within a specific research field. 
Objective: Characterize Internal Medicine articles published in the journal Gaceta Médica Estudiantil from 2020 to January 2023. 
Methods: A bibliometric, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted. The universe consisted of 21 scientific articles that have been published. The sampling technique was not used. The variables analyzed included year of publication, article type and topic, medical science field, author's origin, number of authors, readings, downloads, and bibliographic references. Descriptive statistics, degree of collaboration, and the Price Index were used.
Results: In 2022, 11 articles (52,4 %) were published, making it the year with the highest number of publications and collaboration index. Original articles were the most prevalent, accounting for 11 (52,4 %) of the total. Articles with four authors were most prominent. Females predominated (35, 51,5 %). University of Medical Sciences of Guantánamo had the largest number of authors (22, 32,4 %). 974 references were used, and 715 of them were no older than five years


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How to Cite

Espinosa Goire Y, Paumier Durán AG, Coceras Arias M, Reyes Flores C, Chibas Muñoz EE. Metrics on Internal Medicine from the journal Gaceta Médica Estudiantil. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:36. Available from: