The Podiatric procedures in graduates the Bolivarian Higher University Institute of Technology
Podiatric procedures, graduate, Podiatry, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, EcuadorAbstract
Introduction: The training updates knowledge, provides support in informatic, biomedical and communication technologies, develops practical skills, ethical and moral values.
Objective: This study is aimed at optimizing podiatric procedures in graduates the Bolivarian Higher University Institute of Technology.
Methods: This is mixed research, which is based on the dialectical-materialist conception for the application of theoretical method in obtaining and processing the required data and information.
Results: The process of professional development is closely linked to the professional performance of human resources. In this sense, when health technologists are particularized in the Podiatry profile, the need for the process of overcoming them to be aimed at improving professional performance is recognized, which in this profile presents insufficiencies that transcend in the quality of their services provided.
Conclusions: The graduate in podiatry must be trained to treat a large number of diseases and pathologies of the feet, considering the genesis of them and applying the appropriate treatment for each patient depending on the event and it is also important to highlight that there are diseases that can be acquired by graduates due to bad procedures, that is; occupational hazards in podiatric practice, some of which have been studied and others have not.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Frank Cecilio Miranda Escobar, Yiliam Fonseca Bodaño, Damasa Irene López Santa Cruz, Alejandro Antuan Díaz Diaz, Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo (Author)
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