New Technological Trends and Application in Libraries: An Overview




Technologies, Trends, Applications, Libraries


The introduction of new technological trends has had a significant impact on the performance of libraries. These trends have transformed the way libraries operate and provide services to their users. The paper also provides an overview of the effects of these technological trends on library performance. Frankly, these trends represent advancements in information technology, communication, automation, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and more. Besides, they have the potential to disrupt traditional practices, improve efficiency, enhance user experiences, and create new opportunities for growth and development. The results also proved the key effects of new technological trends on library performance to be access to digital resources, online catalogs, and discovery systems, remote access and virtual services, digital preservation, data management, and research support, collaborative and social technologies, mobile apps and virtual services, and data-driven decision making. The paper also highlights the challenges faced by libraries in adopting these new technologies. The conclusion emphasized the importance of embracing technological advancements to enhance library services, and one of the recommendations was that libraries should provide regular training opportunities to their staff to keep them updated on the latest technologies and their applications in library services


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How to Cite

Okwu E, Okwu NE, Oladokun BD. New Technological Trends and Application in Libraries: An Overview. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];3:64. Available from: