Didactic strategy for the training of skills in clinical trials of Stomatology residents
Clinical Trials, Stomatology, SkillsAbstract
Introduction: Primary Health Care is the first point of contact that specialists in stomatological sciences provide to the population.
Objective: to develop a didactic strategy for training skills in clinical trials for dentistry residents.
Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study on the Isle of Youth, 2022-2023. Intentional non-probabilistic sampling was used, with the sample consisting of 39 residents, 20 academic committee professors, 17 provincial coordinators and 7 research methodology professors.
Results: a survey was applied to explore knowledge on the topic and it was found that 89,7 % had a low level. The main difficulties identified were in the questions related to knowledge about the researcher's portfolio and the elements necessary to start a clinical trial, with percentages of 7,7 % and 12,8 %, respectively. The proposed strategy was submitted to expert judgment, with scores predominating: very appropriate and moderately appropriate, with values of 64,8 % and 25,6 %, respectively, which represented 90,3 % for the evaluated criteria. The strategy was made up of four stages and actions structured in a coherent manner for its application, which can be enriched from the teaching reflection and the practice of the academic committee of each specialty.
Conclusions: the diagnosis of the current situation of the training of Stomatology specialists on the subject of clinical trials revealed potentialities and shortcomings in the conception, the process and the current level of its development
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aliana Peña-Méndez, Ennis Ivonnet-Gutiérrez, Ivis Mendoza-Hernández , Yahima Díaz-González, Douglas Crispin-Castellanos (Author)
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