Strategic analysis of porter's five competitive forces model applied to the higher education sector Universidad Nacional de Pilar, year, 2024




Competitiveness, Porter's model , Higher education , Rivalry among competitors


The National University of Pilar (UNP), founded in 1991 and formalized by Law Number 529/94, is a key institution in higher education in Paraguay. In an environment of rapid change and high competition, ensuring the quality and sustainability of its programs is a fundamental challenge. This study uses Porter's five forces model to analyze UNP's competitive position, assessing the threat of new competitors, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of students and their families, the presence of substitute products, and rivalry in the sector. The objective is to analyze how these forces affect UNP's competitiveness. To this end, five specific objectives are established. The research is descriptive and explanatory, with a qualitative approach. Data are collected through interviews and documentary analysis with participants including students, teachers, and directors and coordinators. The findings indicate that UNP faces increasing competition from private universities that offer similar programs with greater flexibility. The threat of substitutes, such as online courses and technical training programs, also affects the demand for its programs.


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How to Cite

Silva Quintana CA. Strategic analysis of porter’s five competitive forces model applied to the higher education sector Universidad Nacional de Pilar, year, 2024. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:616. Available from: