Use of digital tools in History: analysis of the impact of Genially
Information and communication technologies, digital education, history teaching, interactive tools, GeniallyAbstract
Introduction: The study analyzed the impact of the use of digital tools in the teaching of history in Argentina, focusing on the Genially platform. It examined how its implementation could improve student motivation and understanding in an educational context characterized by inequalities in access to technology and teacher training. It started from the problem of low student participation in history, a subject that is often perceived as distant and abstract.
Development: Research was carried out in various Argentine educational institutions, applying qualitative methodologies such as surveys, interviews and classroom observations. Learning was compared before and after the implementation of Genially, highlighting its impact on participation and knowledge retention. It was found that students showed greater interest and critical thinking when interacting with historical content in a visual and interactive way. However, there was evidence of the need to overcome barriers such as the lack of equitable access to technology and insufficient teacher training.
Conclusion: The study concluded that Genially is an effective tool for boosting the teaching of history in Argentina, increasing student motivation and understanding. However, its implementation requires institutional support, teacher training and equal access to technology. To achieve sustainable educational change, the development of policies that promote digital inclusion in the Argentine education system is recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yilena Montero Reyes , Alba Viviana Herrera Córdova , Lucia Efigenia Pardo Capa , Orlando Máximo Torrales Avilés , Betty Alexandra Villalta Leon (Author)

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