Innovation in teaching citizenship: The impact of Design Thinking in the classroom
Education for citizenship, Design Thinking, active methodologies, participatory teaching, meaningful learningAbstract
Introduction: Citizenship Education (CE) was established as a key component in the formation of critical citizens committed to society. Over time, it was observed that its traditional teaching, based on memorization and transmission of theoretical knowledge, failed to generate a real connection with the daily life of students. In response to this problem, Design Thinking (DT) emerged as an innovative methodology that promoted active participation and critical thinking in learning.
Development: The research analyzed the application of Design Thinking in the teaching of CE, highlighting its ability to improve students' motivation and understanding. It was identified that this methodology allowed students to detect real problems, formulate creative solutions and work collaboratively in their implementation. In addition, DT strengthened essential skills such as empathy, decision making and autonomous learning. It was shown that its use in the classroom encouraged reflection and the practice of citizenship values, overcoming the limitations of traditional approaches.
Conclusions: The findings confirmed that Design Thinking enhanced CE teaching by making it more interactive and relevant. However, its implementation required teacher training and curricular adjustments. It was concluded that this methodology not only improved students' learning, but also fostered their participation in democratic and social life, strengthening their role as active citizens.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adriana Elizabeth Asanza Romero , Joffre Vicente Quinteros Kohlhauser, Yilena Montero Reyes , Iliana Verónica Bastidas Cazares , Joanna Maricela Gallardo Solís (Author)

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