Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: Where is scientific and technical development taking us?




Artificial intelligence, medicine, generative artificial intelligence, techno-scientific development


Introduction: Clinical reasoning is the fundamental tool in the work of the physician, and has benefited from current techno-scientific advances, which at the same time try to replace the work of the health professional. In this way, the doctor-patient relationship, the essential link in the procedures of the clinical method, deteriorates. Artificial intelligence and other innovations have revolutionized health institutions, the way of approaching medical care, clinical reasoning and the teaching-learning process of medicine. This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of medical reasoning inextricably linked to the techno-scientific development of society and especially to Artificial Intelligence. Results: Using Artificial Intelligence as a clinical reasoning tool facilitates the treatment of patients without replacing the role of the physician. It also explores its impact on medical decision-making and the ethical aspects of data storage. Conclusions: A comprehensive understanding of clinical reasoning inextricably linked to human social development is necessary


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How to Cite

Acosta Herrería DL, Santana Pérez JL, Sosa Remón A, Auza-Santivañez JC, Jeréz Alvarez AE, Santana León JL, et al. Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: Where is scientific and technical development taking us?. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];4:162. Available from: