Information Packaging and Repackaging as enablers of Health Information Literacy among Rural Dwellers


  • Omorodion Okuonghae Glorious Vision University, University Library, Ogwa, Nigeria Author
  • Magnus Osahon Igbibovia David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences, University Library, Uburu, Nigeria Author



Health information literacy, information access, information re(packaging), library services, rural dwellers


Introduction: The need for Health Information Literacy among rural dwellers is heightened by the current information explosion and pervasiveness of misinformation occasioned by advances in digital technologies. Given the prevalent individual characteristics of individuals in the rural areas, there is need for targeted information packaging and repackaging to bridge existing gap in health information hereby ensuring sustainable health and wellbeing. Consequently, this paper explored how information packaging and repackaging can enable health information literacy among rural dwellers. 
Methods: The paper adopted the rapid review of literature to synthesize existing literature around the subject matter. Literatures were retrieved from Google Scholar, EBSCO Host and ProQuest. The search terms were generated from the themes of the study`s specific objectives. The results were filtered based on relevance, currency (2014 to 2024) and language (English).
Results: Some of strategies for effective packaging of health information to rural dwellers include transforming printed information into oral form, use of focal group discussions, and translation of existing information materials into local language spoken by the local community and leveraging on technology for delivering of health information. Information repackaging helps improve rural dwellers` health information access and use skills. It also enhances the usage of culturally sensitive content that resonate with rural community dwellers
Conclusion: Information packaging and repackaging are vital in achieving health information literacy, as it facilitates access to personalized health information and capacity building


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How to Cite

Okuonghae O, Igbibovia MO. Information Packaging and Repackaging as enablers of Health Information Literacy among Rural Dwellers. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4:165. Available from: