The pedagogical role of training research seedbeds in the era of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies




teaching, curriculum, research, critical thinking, pedagogy, integration, peace, territory, technology


In the context of AI and emerging technologies, pedagogy in research seedbeds emphasizes the diversification of skills through the theory of multiple intelligences. Colombian seedbeds promote early research by integrating AI to enhance collaborative learning, innovation, and social change. The article was structured in two phases: an exhaustive literature review on AI integration in research seedbeds and the creation of a research seedbed focused on the pedagogical role in the era of AI and emerging technologies. The formative proposal is based on investigative pedagogy, merging teaching with research to continually improve educational practices. The seedbed plays an essential role in fostering critical thinking and collaborative research in local communities, advocating for the use of emerging technologies to enhance advanced cognitive skills and sustainable development. This systematic approach provided a deep and well-founded understanding, facilitating the effective integration of AI in researcher training


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández LA. The pedagogical role of training research seedbeds in the era of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4:36. Available from: